

Scanned: 19:41:46+0000 on 04 February 2022

Status: 200

Content type: text/plain

Scheme: https

URL: https://www.investopedia.com/.well-known/security.txt

Has a contact: Yes


Minimal version:

Contact: mailto:security@dotdash.com
Preferred-Languages: en

Full version:

# Dotdash uses a private HackerOne program for responsible disclosure, please contact our Security team for an invitation to the HackerOne program.
# Occassionaly, a request for access to the program may be rejected due to low hacker reputation, negative signal and/or code of conduct violations.
# Please include ONLY the following details in your initial message.
# - Vulnerability type
# - Severity score
# - Domain of the website
# - Your HackerOne username
Contact: mailto:security@dotdash.com
Preferred-Languages: en


  • 301: https://investopedia.com/.well-known/security.txt
  • 200: https://www.investopedia.com/.well-known/security.txt
Updated at: 19:41:46+0000 on 04 February 2022